Exploring the Different Types of Springs and Their Applications(remove chrome plating Gregary)

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Springs are essential mechanical components used in a wide range of applications. They possess the unique ability to store mechanical energy when subjected to external force and release it upon removal of that force. Springs find utility in countless industries, ranging from automotive and aerospace to healthcare and household appliances. In this article, we will delve into the world of springs and explore the different kinds available, their uses, and how they are produced through CNC machining.

1. Compression Springs:
Compression springs are commonly seen cylindrical coils wound tightly together. When compressed, these springs resist the applied force and attempt to return to their original shape, making them excellent for absorbing shocks or maintaining pressure. It finds application in vehicle suspensions, mouse traps, mattresses, and much more. The production process involves winding wire around a mandrel using computer numerical control (CNC) machines before performing heat treatment to enhance its mechanical properties.

2. Extension Springs:
Unlike compression springs, extension springs are designed to expand when stretched. By resisting stretching forces, they can be found in various products such as trampolines, garage doors, balance scales, and even pogo sticks. To manufacture extension springs, CNC machines wind wires in a particular manner, forming loops at both ends with hooks or eyes for attachment purposes.

3. Torsion Springs:
Torsion springs operate by exerting torque along an axis when twisted or rotated. This twisting action allows torsion springs to provide rotational function mechanisms, as seen in clothespins, door hinges, and clipboards. Manufacturing torsion springs involves CNC machining, where wires are wound on a spindle at specific angles and lengths, and either single or double-ended configurations can be created.

4. Constant Force Springs:
Constant force springs have gained popularity due to their consistent linear force output throughout their operational range. These springs are often used in retractable cables, tape measures, window shades, and automated doors. CNC machining plays a crucial role in manufacturing constant force springs by uniformly winding strip materials onto reels that facilitate smooth extension and retraction.

5. Belleville or Disc Springs:
Belleville springs possess a unique conical shape with high energy storage capacity. These disc-shaped springs find extensive application in valves, clutches, pumps, and electrical switches due to their ability to handle immense loads while maintaining reliability and accuracy. CNC machines produce belleville springs by precisely stamping individual discs from flat sheets before stacking and sometimes heat treating them for added durability.

6. Wave Springs:
Wave springs are designed to offer comparable strength and compression characteristics as traditional coil springs but in a smaller footprint. This makes them ideal for applications where space is limited, such as medical devices, ball bearing retainers, and seals. The production process of wave springs involves CNC machining techniques to form waves and curves on thin strips of metal, enabling controlled spring properties within confined spaces.


Springs play an indispensable role in countless industries, offering versatility and mechanical advantage in various applications. Understanding the different types of springs and their production methods through CNC machining allows engineers and manufacturers to leverage these components effectively. From compression and extension springs to torsion, constant force, belleville, and wave springs, each variant brings its own unique capabilities to suit specific engineering requirements. By embracing advancements in technology and utilizing CNC machining techniques, we can continue to explore new possibilities and optimize the performance of springs in diverse fields of innovation and design. CNC Milling CNC Machining